The pharmacy has been opened


The Department of Dentistry at Your Doctor's House offers oral and maxillofacial surgery healthcare and comprehensive third-class dental care, including state-of-the-art preventive and cosmetic dental care.

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We are committed to the utmost care and excellence

The Medical Team

The best medical competencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Dentist Doctor
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احمد المضحي
Dentist Doctor
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ندى المبارك
Dentist Doctor
Dhaya Alaabad
Dhaya Alaabad
Dentist Doctor
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عدنان النفيلي
Dentist Doctor

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Ahmad Almadhi
Dentist Doctor
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Adnan Al-Nafili
Dentist Doctor
ندى المبارك
ندى المبارك
Dentist Doctor

See the list of dental treatments and their prices

More than 100 types of dental treatments we have